
作为变革教育的领导者, 电子游戏软件 seeks to aid students in their formation and education to set them on a path of service to others. 传播部的使命是实现这一目标,因为它致力于学生分析和创造性沟通技能的智力和道德发展, with particular emphasis on the effective functioning of circuits of communication, the impact of technological innovation on human beings and institutions, and the power relationships that develop through this interaction.

The honors program in the Department of 沟通 is targeted towards exceptional communication majors, 定义为总GPA为3分的学生.70或以上. The honors program offers smaller class sizes to allow more focused discussion and faculty-student interaction. Honors courses will also be more rigorous than non-honors courses and may include additional reading, 书面作业或考试. Students in the honors program will complete a thesis in order to officially graduate with department honors. Students in the honors program are automatically eligible for membership in Lambda Pi Eta, 全国传播荣誉协会. Questions about Lambda Pi Eta can be directed to Professor Michael Serazio, 该组织电子游戏软件分会的主任. 有关资格或部门荣誉计划的其他方面的问题可以直接向塞莱斯特·韦尔斯教授提出, 传播系荣誉项目主任或传播系荣誉项目协调员.

To be invited to join the honors program, a student must have an overall GPA of 3.在大一结束时达到70分或更高(如果参加了BC分级学分的暑期课程,将被计算在内). Students will be invited to the program in the fall semester of their sophomore year prior to spring registration.



秋季学期: Notice of eligibility sent (notification sent prior to enrollment for spring semester courses) to students with 3.70 GPA或以上. Because of potential changes in a student’s academic status (grade changes, 出国留学, 转移, 等.) notification may be received anytime between freshman summer and sophomore fall.

春季学期: Students will take COMM 3335 - 沟通 Methods: Honors (in place of COMM3330 or COMM3340).


秋季或春季学期学生将报名参加COMM 4475 -介绍荣誉. This will count as one of the two writing seminars required for the standard major.

出国留学须知计划在大三秋季或春季学期出国留学的学生应计划在隔学期完成COMM4475 - Introduction to Honors.e., 如果学生计划在秋季学期出国留学, 他们将在返回BC的春季学期学习COMM4475). 如果学生计划在国外学习一整年,则不可能完成通信荣誉课程.


秋季学期学生将学习COMM 4961 -荣誉论文. This course counts as one of the three communication electives required for the standard major.

The final deadline for submission of a thesis is the first study day of the fall semester. 在此截止日期之前,指导老师和学生作者应该进行明确的沟通,以便指导老师的确切规格和修订在此日期之前完全纳入.


In addition to the GPA requirement to be invited into the program, 在开始荣誉课程之前,学生必须完成(或同时参加)通信专业的必修入门课程(标有*). The honors program requires the same number of courses as the standard communication major, however three courses are specific to Honors only (marked with a +) and replace standard courses. Students must earn a grade of A- or better in all Honors courses to remain in the program.

  • 修辞学传统(COMM1010)*
  • 大众传播调查(COMM1020)*
  • 公共演讲(COMM1030)*
  • 人际沟通(COMM1040)*
  • 他们选择的一门理论课程
  • 沟通方式:荣誉(COMM3335)+ must be taken Sophomore Spring; replaces standard methods
  • 荣誉入门(COMM4475)+ must be taken either semester Junior year; replaces one writing intensive
  • 荣誉论文(COMM4961)+ must be taken Senior Fall; replaces one communication elective
  • 另选一门写作强化课程
  • 另选两门通讯选修课<李> / < / ul >


登记参加指定的荣誉小组, 被邀请参加荣誉课程的学生必须直接联系传播系荣誉课程协调员. Registration for these sections will be by department permission only. 传播系荣誉课程协调员将核实参加荣誉研讨会的学生是否在下学期合格的荣誉学生名单上.

注意:因为荣誉课程注册人数有限, students should contact the Coordinator of the 通信部门 荣誉项目 as soon as possible. 报名先到先得.   

Note: It may be necessary to register for other courses before the honors section appears on a student’s schedule. 建议学生在获得传播系荣誉课程协调员批准后,保持荣誉课程的预定时间开放. Students enrolled in conflicting courses are not guaranteed a spot in the approved honors course.

Lambda Pi Eta全国传播荣誉协会

电子游戏软件 has a recognized chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, 全国传播荣誉协会. 获得院系荣誉的学生将自动加入本协会(除非他们选择不加入)。. 在大三的春天, Serazio教授, Lambda Pi Eta主席, 为这个荣誉社团组织信息会议吗. 入会者会收到绶带和会员证书.


Please contact the Program Director, Professor Celeste Wells at 天蓝色.wells@mokmingsky.com,询问有关该计划的任何问题. 如果您对课程注册有疑问, 请联系部门顾问克里斯汀·哈特内特 克里斯汀.hartnett@mokmingsky.com.



有奖励吗?, fellowships or prizes I should look at when thinking about doing my thesis research?

Yes, check out 电子游戏软件’s website regarding all of the available opportunities for you to further expand your academic research. 

我可以完成一个特殊的项目吗.e. (一部纪录片)作为我的荣誉论文?

The 通信部门 accepts only traditional, bound theses in a paper format. 详情请参阅“论文指引”.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / can-i-complete-a-special-project——(我——一个纪录片)-as-my-honors-thesis -
Can I conduct interviews or surveys as part of my honors thesis project?

Federal regulations and University Policy require prospective review and approval of all human subject research conducted by faculty, staff, or students. The 电子游戏软件 Institutional Review Board (IRB) should review all research proposals. More information is available here.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / can-i-conduct-interviews-or-surveys-as-part-of-my-honors-thesis-project -

Students can complete a semester or summer abroad program and still complete the honors program. 计划在大三秋季或春季学期出国留学的学生应计划在另一个学期(1)完成COMM4475 - Introduction to Honors.e., 如果学生计划在秋季学期出国留学, 他们将在返回BC的春季学期学习COMM4475). 如果学生计划在国外学习一整年,则不可能完成通信荣誉课程.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / can-i出国留学-and-complete-the-honors-program -
我学的是双学位. 我可以完成两个专业的荣誉课程吗?

This is a decision you should make after carefully discussing the honors programs in both of your majors with your advisor and/or the directors of the honors program. 一般来说,你不能两个专业都“重复计算”一篇论文,因此你需要仔细电子游戏正规平台你的选择,并确定哪个是最适合你的选择.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / i-am-a-double-major——can-i-complete-honors-programs-in-both-majors -
我是三年级的学生.7日平均绩点. 我可以参加荣誉课程吗?

Unfortunately, the honors program must be started in Sophomore year in order to be completed by Senior year. 因此,获得3分的学生.大二秋季之后,7年级或以上的学生不能进入该项目.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / i-am-a-junior-with-a-3-7-gpa——can-i-enter-the-honors-program -
I am hoping to balance two majors, an internship, 出国留学, and the honors program. 你认为这可能吗?

Every student is different in their ability to prioritize, 在竞争需求下管理和发展. 作为一名优等生,你觉得有必要充分利用每一个机会,这是有道理的. 在承担大量耗时和困难的责任之前,我鼓励你向你信任的教职员工寻求建议. 理想的人是:你的顾问, 荣誉课程的主任, 或任何你重视其意见的BC社区成员. Try to remember that your decision should not only be based on if doing something is possible, but rather is it the best fit for your goals as they stand today given your current intellectual, 心理, 社交和身体能力.

我在A区&年代的荣誉. 我也可以获得传播系荣誉吗?

These two honors designations are separate. 换句话说, you may receive honors in both programs if you complete the requirements of both programs in their entirety. 以A毕业&amp;年代的荣誉, you have two options: to graduate without a thesis or to graduate with a thesis. 作为A&荣誉手册指出, 如果你选择不写论文, 你必须参加两个惠普荣誉研讨会. 请与A联络&amp;S 荣誉项目 with any inquiries regarding this requirement. 要以通信部门荣誉毕业,您必须完成上述部门荣誉的要求.

What if I have taken research methods before I was invited to be in the 通信部门?

If you have completed research methods prior to an invitation to the program it will count as one of your electives but not as one of your required honors courses. The reason for this is that honors methods prepares you directly for taking research at the thesis-writing level. 

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / what-if-i-have-taken-research-methods-before-i-was-invited-to-be-in-the-communication-department -

The 通信部门 荣誉项目 promotes the productive collaboration between intellectually-driven students, 教职员工. 它鼓励一种教育,在这种教育中,学生们受到挑战,批判性地思考和写作,并培养一种分析敏感性,这种敏感性是关于意识形态结构在我们发展社会公正的沟通和能力中所起的作用的, 因此, 社区.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / what-is-the-point-of-the-communication-honors-program -

Completing the 荣誉项目 will allow you to accomplish a number of things:

  • Develop practical, transferable skills in writing, research and analysis.
  • Create a tangible product represents a culmination of the intellectual work you have accomplished over your years at 电子游戏软件.
  • Develop productive and positive relationships similarly academically-oriented peers.
  • Develop close relationships with faculty.
  • Receive honors recognition&#39;你的成就可以列在你的简历上.
公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / what-will-i-get-out-of-the-honors-program -